Mi-kis are a toy breed dog. They are very small ranging from approximately 3-9 lbs. They are a rare breed and most people have never heard of them. Many people first hear of them when Animal Planet is playing their segment on the Mi-ki breed. They are a non shedding breed and come in two coat types. Long coat which is the most common and smooth coat. You can see Mi-kis with three different ear set types, up ears, down ears and winged ears. They come in a large variety of colors similar to the Havanese breed. The breed originated in the United States in the 1980's. Their ancestry is shared with several European and Asian toy breeds. They are recognized and shown in the International All Breed Canine Association and UKC. They are currently in process of AKC recognition.
Mi-kis are a very loving breed and make wonderful therapy dogs. They are very intelligent and want to please their owners. They will melt your heart and are comforting companion dogs. Their playful nature is almost clown like at times. It is such great entertainment just to observe little mi-kis playing together as well as with their owners. As with any breed there are differences in personality from dog to dog but in general this breed is as described above. Mi-kis dogs are a very healthy breed but as with any breed of dog there may be health concerns that can occur. They can be trained to use a litter box, piddle pads or to go outdoors but must be accompanied whenever outdoors due to their small size and the many things that can go wrong if a small dog is left unsupervised outdoors. Please be very careful to make sure you are dealing with reputable Mi-ki breeders who health test their parent dogs as well as DNA the puppies to confirm they are a true Mi-ki.